Chandru. G (DOJ : Jan 2012)
ID :
B.Sc Bio chemistry (New Prince Shri Bhavani Arts & Science College, University of Madras, Chennai, 2008).
M.Sc Bio chemistry (University of Madras, Guindy campus, Chennai,
area: Biodegradation of polypropylene using fungi
Plastic is a broad name given to different polymers, which are used throughout the world for an ample number of reasons. Although it is certainly a globally important product, it has achieved a dominant position in environment pollution with its use. In view of this context, polymer degradation is extensively studied through various processes and techniques like thermal, chemical, radiant and biological. Biodegradation of plastics by microorganisms seems to be the most effective process, due to the utilization of polymer as a sole source of carbon. Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic which is commonly used for plastic moldings, stationary folders, packaging materials etc. PP is hydrophobic in nature and counteracts the coupling of microorganisms on its surface. Physical pre-treatments methods such as thermal and UV has found to bring about the oxidation of PP thus reducing its hydrophobicity and promoting microbial attachment on its surface. The objective of my research is the biodegradation of pretreated (UV and thermal) commercially available PP by fungal species.