Sl.No. Agency Title of project Total amount (Rupees in lakhs) Period
1. DBT, Govt of India A Study on the Activators and Targets of NF-kB in Human Cancer Cells 43.35 2006-2009
2. STED, Govt. of Kerala A study on the antiproliferative effects of organosulphur compounds from garlic in human cancer cell lines 4.37 2002-2004
3. LSRB, DRDO, Govt. of India Studies on NF-κB, IκB and HSP70 proteins in cancer cell lines 24.98 2003-2006
4. DST, Govt. of India A study on the transforming growth factor-β signaling intermediate, Smad3, in human cervical cancer 22.65 2005-2008
5. DST, Govt. of India Regulation of Nuclear Factor-κB by Epidermal Growth Factor 17.61 1999-2002
6. Mediscient Inc., San Mateo, USA A Study on the Apoptosis Inducing Effects of Cytomodulins (Transforming Growth Factor - β like peptides) in Human Cancer Cell Lines US $ 12,989 2005-2006

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