Tamizharasan K

Tamizharasan is a Ph.D Scholar, currently working on understanding the role of the hippocampus in memory formation and consolidation using deep neural networks. His research interests include Computational Neuroscience, Deep Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. He is a sports enthusiast and indulges in playing Hockey and Cricket. 

Rupak Krishnamoorthy

I am a recent M.Tech graduate from the department of biotechnology, IIT Madras. I am passionate about understanding the workings of memory, decision making, consciousness and psychology from a mathematical perspective which drove me to the field of computational neuroscience. I am currently trying to model the behaviour of short term memories by combining oscillators with deep leanring techniques. I am an aspiring doctoral candidate searching for possible oppurtunities in computational neuroscience. My free time is spent by going for long runs, playing the guitar or reading a wide genre of books with a bias towards fantasy and I am always up for playing outdoor sports.