Protein Biophysics Lab



                         Athi N. Naganathan

                                       Principal Investigator






     Ph.D., University of Maryland, USA.

     B.Tech., Anna University, Chennai.


      Honors and Awards


       1. INSA Medal for Young Scientist. (2015)

       2. Wellcome Trust / DBT India Alliance Intermediate Fellowship. (2015)

       3. Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award (IYBA), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India. (2012)

       4. Juan de la Cierva Fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. (2009-2011)

       5. Dr. Herman Kraybill Biochemistry Fellowship, University of Maryland, USA. (2006-2007)

       6. Paul Mazzocchi Fellowship, College of Chemical and Life Sciences, University of Maryland, USA. (2002-2004)







2014, Maintained by Protein Biophysics Lab, IIT Madras, Chennai-36, India