
Message from the head

The Department of Biotechnology at IIT Madras, founded in 2004 and housed in the Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Biosciences, has a multidisciplinary coverage of scientific, technological, socio-economic, and educational domains of interest and aims to be an internationally recognized Centre of repute, collaborating with academic institutions, industries, healthcare institutions and other stakeholders. We aim to attain excellence and competitiveness in the areas of research, teaching, administration, outreach and public relations under the ambit of the Institute, state, and national interests. I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our faculty, research facilities, students, educational programs and on the ongoing research and consultancy projects.

- Dr. Sanjib Senapati

Our vision

To harness the diverse and multidisciplinary potential of the biotechnology domain towards scientific, technological, and societal improvement, thereby making an impact in the sectors of education, research, healthcare, and industrial production of food, energy, and pharmaceuticals.

Our Mission

To make the Department of Biotechnology at IIT Madras as the foremost centre of excellence in the domains of biological sciences, biological engineering and computational biology through research, teaching, training, and manpower development activities. In addition, the Department would strive to create a global reputation through international collaborations, outreach, alumni engagement, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Goals & Objectives

To build and strengthen a strong centre of global repute for advanced research, education, and training.

To create a vibrant, dynamic ecosystem for knowledge-creation, national and international collaborations, translational research and entrepreneurship.

To foster and strengthen relations with key stakeholders of the Department through continuous engagement and support.

To improve holistic development of Department personnel at all levels through scientific engagement, manpower development, and administrative support.

Our Department

As of 2021, the Department of Biotechnology broadly encompasses four major domains: Biological Sciences, Biomolecular Sciences, Computational Biology, and Biological Engineering, with 35 regular faculty members. Established in 2004, the Department hosts at present ~330 undergraduate students (Dual Degree Programs), ~60 Masters level students (M.Tech/MS), ~200 doctoral scholars (Ph.D.), ~30 postdoctoral scholars and project staff, and 13 technical and administrative staff. The Department offers two integrated (Dual Degree) programs namely, BS/MS in Biological Sciences or BTech/MTech in Biological Engineering with strong emphasis both on modern biology and engineering and on extensive practical laboratory training. The Department also offers Master of Science (MS) by research, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs along with an M.Tech. in Clinical Engineering, (a multi institutional program) and an MTech program in Bioprocess Engineering. The Department has made significant strides in positioning itself as one of the best centres of excellence in the Biotechnology field in the past decade. The Department is generously supported by Metha Family Foundation.Click Here

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