Department of Biotechnology | Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai
Lekshmi A K

Lekshmi A K

Junior Assistant [BT Office]
Admission MS & PhD, Enrolment, Seminars, DC GTC meetings, IBSC, Seminar hall Incharge,Biometric Incharge.

  044 2257 4100

Swarupa Rani B

Swarupa Rani B

Senior Assistant [BT Office]
All courses related work, Conducting Quizes/End Sem, Slot book Entry, Preparation of time table based on the slot wise listing for each semester

  044 2257 4100

Swathy R

Swathy R

Junior Assistant [BT Stores]

  044 2257 5104

Vasugi R

Vasugi R

Senior Assistant [BT Stores]

  044 2257 5104

Vengadeshkumar V

Vengadeshkumar V

Senior Assistant [BT Office]
Candidacy exam, Thesis Submission Approval meeting and Viva Voce for PhD and MS scholars, IPDF/WPDF selection process work, Conference & Convocation (D3P) related Work, Classroom Incharge

  044 2257 4100