Department of Biotechnology | Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai

Guhan Jayaraman


Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Block 1, BT 502

044 2257 4108


Lab: Block 1, BT 216-217

Lab: 044 2257 5101

  • Metabolic engineering and systems biology
  • Recombinant protein production
  • Bioprocess monitoring and control
  • Chromatographic bioseparation processes

  1. Bera S.*, K. Thillai*, K. Sriraman, G. Jayaraman (2015). "Process strategies for enhancing recombinant streptokinase production in Lactococcus lactis cultures using P170 expression system, ", Biochemical Engineering Journal, 93, pp. 94-101..
  2. Rajendran V., K. Puvendran, Bharath Raja Guru, G. Jayaraman (2016). "Design of aqueous two-phase systems for purification of hyaluronic acid produced by metabolically engineered Lactococcus lactis, ", Journal of Separation Science, 39, pp. 655-662..
  3. Kaur M., G. Jayaraman (2016). "Hyaluronan Production and Molecular Weight is Enhanced in Pathway-Engineered Strains of Lactate Dehydrogenase-Deficient Lactococcus lactis,", Metabolic Engineering Communications , 3, pp. 15-23.
  4. Doss S.S., N.P. Bhatt, G. Jayaraman (2017). "Improving the accuracy of hyaluronic acid molecular weight estimation by conventional size exclusion chromatography, ", Journal of Chromatography B , 1060 , pp. 255 – 261..
  5. Puvendran K.*, K. Anupama*, G. Jayaraman (2018). "Real time monitoring of hyaluronic acid fermentation by in-situ transflectance spectroscopy ", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , DOI: In Press; DOI: 10.1007/s00253-018-8816-9.