Department of Biotechnology | Indian Institute Of Technology Madras , Chennai

V Srinivasa Chakravarthy


Ph.D., University of Texas

M.S.,  University of Texas

Block 1, BT 505

044 2257 4115


Lab: Block 1, 510

Lab: 044 2257 5125

  • Computational Neuroscience - Modeling Basal Ganglia to understand Parkinson-s disease
  • Modeling neuro-glio-vascular interactions
  • Modeling visuomotor dynamics of copying
  • Modeling the development of topographic maps in the brain
  • Computational Cardiology - Modeling Cardiac memory
  • Role of

  1. Elango, S., Chakravarthy, V.S., Mutha, P.K (2024). "A lateralized motor network in order to understand adaptation to visuomotor rotation", Journal of Neural Engineering, 21, pp. 036003, DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/ad4211.
  2. Nair, S.S., Chakravarthy, S. (2024). "A Computational Model of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease Tremor and Bradykinesia", Brain Sciences, 14, pp. 620, DOI: 10.3390/brainsci14060620.
  3. Paul, R., Elango, S., Chakravarthy, S., ... Darshini, D., Sylaja, P.N. (2024). "Feasibility and efficacy of virtual reality rehabilitation compared with conventional physiotherapy for upper extremity impairment due to ischaemic stroke: protocol for a randomised controlled trial", BMJ Open, 14, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086556.
  4. Vigneswaran, C., Nair, S.S., Chakravarthy, V.S (2024). "A Basal Ganglia model for understanding working memory functions in healthy and Parkinson’s conditions", Cognitive Neurodynamics, 18, pp. 1913–1929, DOI: 10.1007/s11571-023-10056-y.
  5. Aziz, A., Patil, B.K., Lakshmikanth, K., ... Mukhopadhyay, A., Chakravarthy, V.S. (2024). "Modeling hippocampal spatial cells in rodents navigating in 3D environments", Scientific Reports, 14, pp. 16714, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-66755-x.